Employment Opportunity
1) Employment Location: 3605 Commercial Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222
2) Offered Position: Produce Inspector
3) Minimum Requirement: Bachelor’s degree in Food or Crop Science. In addition, three (3) months of experience in relation to food safety or food administration is required.
4) Working condition: Full time (wage: $30,805 / Year)
5) Standard Job Duties:
- Conduct routine inspections to ensure the safety and quality of the produce sold in the store.
- Inspect received produce from vendors to meet shoppers’ expectations regarding quality.
- Test sample items to verify freshness and marketability.
- Ensure that all products are accurately labeled with the right information.
- Identify and locate defective items, returning them to vendors as necessary.
- Prevent the display of damaged and unmarketable items.
- Verify the quantity of received items matches the information on the invoice.
- Maintain detailed records of inspections, findings, and follow-up actions.
- Report important food safety issues, along with recommendations, to the executive team.
6) Contact Method: Send cover letter, Resume, and Portfolio by mail to
Hi Mom Enterprises, LLC (d/b/a/ Saraga International Grocery)
Attn: Bong Jae Sung
3605 Commercial Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222
We will arrange interview schedules with the qualified candidates.
Please download the application form, fill it out and email it to saragaindy@gmail.com Attn: Hiring Manager
As a part of our team, you could:
- Assist customers at checkout and bag groceries
- Build attractive displays and stock shelves
- Moving, Loading, Unloading, Cleaning
- Contribute in many other areas to provide extraordinary service to our customers
사라가에서 함께 일하실 분들을 상시모집하고 있습니다.
많은 지원 바랍니다.
문의 전화 (317) 214-0901
이메일 saragaindy@gmail.com
1992년에 창업한 사라가는 매년 지속적인 성장을 통해 현재 인디애나에 2개 지점과 오하이오에 2개 지점을 운영 중이며 현재 인디애나폴리스 북부 지역에 사라가 인터내셔널 그로서리 5호점을 준비하고 있습니다. 현재 인디애나폴리스 다운타운 지점, 그린우드 지점에서 함께 일하실 분들을 모집하고 있습니다. 그로서리에서 일하신 경력이 있으신 분들을 환영하며 무경험자도 얼마든지 지원하실 수 있습니다. 취업 영주권도 협의 가능합니다. 인디애나 최대의 인터네셔널 그로서리에서 함께 성장해 나가실 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
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